Jesus loves you… this I know.

You know, every Christian child learns this song. You do the motions, you sing the song. Every parent snaps pictures and congregations collectively “Aww” as one child throws a tantrum, another belts off key and 2 are picking their nose in the corner. But what does this song actually mean? Let’s see the lyrics that those adorable children are reading.

Jesus Loves me this I know

For the bible tells me so.

Little ones to him belong

They’ are weak but he is strong

YES Jesus love me

Yes Jesus loves me

YES Jesus loves me

the bible tells me so.

Okay… Where in this song does it say “Jesus loves me if i’m straight” or “Jesus loves me with conditions”? No where… but somehow Christians got it in their mind that Jesus only loves certain people.

Jesus does NOT have a check list for who is valuable of love. He literally came to earth to show us that we are to love everyone. He loved everyone. He loved and forgave the people who pierced his side and put him on the cross. He loved the heretic, the gentile, the prostitute, the leper… need I continue?

This song was meant to show the children of the world that God LOVES them. You are weak, you’re human but that is ok because your God loves you unconditionally and he is STRONG. When you fall or make a poor decision he is going to be there to lift you up and say “Hey, it is ok, dust off those pants and lets try again. I have you.”

The bible tells us that Jesus loves us and we are to love like Jesus. There is no one verse (unless you include the golden rule, 10 Commandments, etc.) it is the theme that strings the ENTIRE new testament together. In my opinion the old testament is a genealogical and parable laced historical account of creation and the lives and laws of the humans of the time. It was their way of explaining how they came to be.

The new testament is testament of the coming of Jesus Christ and the subsequent societal shift. It is not a dictated guide for living from God. You can throw around a verse here and a verse there that has been translated at the very least 4 times but it does not prove your hatred or fears are validated.

If you have ever felt victimized or hated by the church, take my sincerest and most heartfelt apology and listen to my words… Jesus loves YOU. Right now. Period. there is no requirement for love, there is no need to do anything. As a True Christian it is my duty to live as Jesus directed and he directed we love everyone, no exceptions. Apparently that is called a Progressive Christian thought honestly, it should just be Christian.

I am a safe place. This is not a place where you need to worry about hatred. God loves you. God Values you and God has your back. I LOVE YOU.

So… take this song to heart because the REAL meaning is love; always.

i think i want to rewrite that song…

Jesus loves me if i’m straight

Jesus loves me if i’m gay

Jesus loves me when I stray

He loves me no matter what

YES jesus loves me

Yes Jesus loves me

Yes Jesus loves me

The bible tells me so.

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